The Suplah podcast

Posts Tagged as "hulk hogan"

Booker T’s Reaction To THAT Word…

Booker T reveals what he thought of last weeks infamous gaff, and New Day’s parody of him the next night

Matches That Never Were: WrestleMania 22

In a sad turn of events, this dream match can never happen…

Matches That Never Were: WrestleMania X8

In what would have been a clash of wrestling eras, Austin vs. Hogan was penned for WrestleMania 18… Liam takes a look at the potential dream match.

Camp WWE – Episode 1 REVIEW

Liam and Andy review WWE’s latest Network exclusive “Camp WWE”

Zahra Schreiber Released From NXT!

After much controversy, Seth Rollin’s girlfriend is fired after less than a year at the company…

Hogan and CM Punk have twitter exchange

The Hulkster and Punk have a heated exchange over twitter.

So Those Odd WWE Arabian Cartoons…

In a world where Hulk Hogan tries to flirt with Nikki Bella and escalates to a dance off with Big Show playing the violin…

Triple H Is The Best Character In Wrestling

After watching “Wrestling Isn’t Wrestling”, Liam Dunne thinks Max Landis has a point…

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