The Suplah podcast

Sam BrooksJuly 7th, 2016Other ShowsComments Off on Comics on Comics – Issue #2: Deadpool (2016)

Comics on Comics – Issue #2: Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool (2016) Review, Suicide Squad Predictions

Join our Comics as they discuss the most popular superhero of 2016, Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool! Discussing the February release of the film, the box office records, and addressing the criticisms of the film itself, our hosts also discuss the potential future of the comic-book film genre in the wake of this release.

Suicide Squad is discussed, and whether it’ll be another miss or a surprise hit for DC, and if Deadpool could potentially influence future films to come throughout the next few years. Liam, Sam and Carmine also give their candid thoughts and feelings on Ryan Reynolds’ performance as the merc with a mouth, and if we could potentially see a sequel to the R-rated hit sooner than expected…

What were your thoughts on the Deadpool film? Comment below!

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