The Suplah podcast

Liam DunneApril 15th, 2015News1 Comment ยป

WWE Passes On Signing The Briscoes

Recently WWE had shown interest in indy darlings The Briscoes. However after much negotiation between the two parties, WWE passed on signing the tag team.

One story states that WWE put an offer on the table to the Briscoes, but Ring Of Honor put a better one in front of them. The Briscoes returned to WWE stating what ROH’s offer was and said that WWE should offer more than ROH. WWE wasn’t willing to do that so the duo signed a new contract with ROH.

But another interesting story states that it was WWE’s Triple H who made the final call to not sign the tag team after being made aware of some homophobic slurs they had made on social media in the past.

The ROH offer seems to indicate that the Briscoes will take over as bookers for the promotion, even though current booker Hunter Johnson (aka. Delirious) has no plans on leaving the position.

(Editor’s Note: The moral of the story kids, even if it’s not true, becareful what you put online…)

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