The Suplah podcast

Andy QuannOctober 5th, 2016News1 Comment ยป

WWE buys TNA Tape Library, Corgan to likely rebrand TNA

In breaking news, an insider Justin LaBar has tweeted something major regarding TNA’s sale:

If this is true, this means that WWE Network subscribers will likely be able to watch old TNA shows, hopefully in the not so distant future. It also means that TNA as we know it has come to or will be coming to an end.

Another thing to ponder over is that the sale might have been the reason for the funding of this past Sunday’s Bound For Glory pay per view and tv tapings this week, if they take place (due to Hurricane Matthew about to hit the Orlando area). But, I must stress, this is speculation at this point but after thinking about it, it would make sense.

We will keep you posted.

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