The Suplah podcast

Liam DunneMarch 13th, 2015News1 Comment ยป

Wrestling Blamed For Teenager’s Death

Pro Wrestling is being targeted once again by the media as reports come out that a teenage boy in India has died after practicing wrestling moves in his bedroom.

Agnibesh Dutta was found unconscious in his bedroom floor by his mother with a karate belt tangled around his neck. Dutta was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

His mother claims he was a wrestling fanatic, and had watched a WWE program the night before. She suspects he was reenacting some of the moves he witnessed on TV but things went drastically wrong for the youngster.

(Editor’s Note: WWE is being used as a scapegoat here. Things just don’t seem to add up. WWE has banned characters choking each other with things like belts, to the point where Daniel Bryan was released from the company nearly 5 years ago following an incident with Justin Roberts on an episode of RAW. This mother is blaming WWE because she needs somebody to be held accountable for, what is clearly, a tragic accident.)

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