The Suplah podcast

Liam DunneSeptember 16th, 2015Blog1 Comment ยป

FORGOTTEN CLASSICS: Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

We’re continuing with Title for Title season here on Forgotten Classics. On our last entry, we focused on the ladder match between Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam to unify the Intercontinental Title and European Title together, the match was a fun one to behold, but isn’t as well remembered as their battle one year prior in the same match type, but for a different championship belt… the Hardcore Championship.

The Hardcore Championship is, arguably, the championship that defined the Attitude Era. It was a belt that was surrounded with unpredictability and fast paced action that practically guaranteed excitement. With the stipulation that the championship could be defended at any time, and any place (24/7 rules) as long as a WWF/E referee was present then a title match could happen. Think of it as a Money In The Bank briefcase on horse testosterone whilst snorting cocaine up its butt hole.

With that bizarre image in our head, let us travel back to 2002 (again, I know we’re becoming predictable but we will pick a different year soon I promise!), Van Dam had just come off a win against Chris Benoit to bring the Intercontinental Title back to RAW, and with the WWE leaving the attitude era behind them, decided to remove the 24/7 rule from the Hardcore belt, with a few weeks later deciding to get rid of it completely. This lead to match between these two ECW veterans, in non other than a classic ECW style hardcore match to give the Hardcore title one last hurrah as it took its leave…

What were your thoughts on the match?

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