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Andy QuannFebruary 21st, 2015NewsComments Off on WWE Sues CM Punk – New Details Surface

WWE Sues CM Punk – New Details Surface


WWE has supported the lawsuit filed by Dr. Chris Amann, in relation to comments that were made by CM Punk on Colt Cabana’s “Art of Wrestling” Podcast last November. Punk claimed that, during the Royal Rumble pay-per-view event on January 26, 2014, he performed with a baseball-sized purple lump on his back, located near the waistband of his tights. Punk also claimed that Dr. Amann had refused to treat it for several months prior to the Rumble.

The results of a WWE investigation show that Punk did not bring up the condition prior. In addition, the first time they heard of it was after WWE terminated Punk in August 2014. Finally, there are no medical records that suggest the lump existed.

WWE have also released footage from Punk’s final match in the WWE, which you can view here:

According to Dave Meltzer, WWE fully believe that they are in the right and that they felt that Punk had “beat them at their own game”. They also have to use the “doctor” as a figurehead in the case, as they can’t sue Punk unjustifiably.

However, Punk himself has appeared on many media outlets showing the scarring of the infection, which you can view here:

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