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Andy QuannMay 19th, 2015NewsComments Off on WWE Raw Results (5/19/15)

WWE Raw Results (5/19/15)


Quick Results:
Sheamus defeated Ryback @ 10:04 via pin
King Barrett defeated Neville @ 7:11 via pin
Bray Wyatt defeated Dean Ambrose @ 13:39 via pin
WWE tag Team Title Match: Kidd & Cesaro defeated Champions New Day @ 5:50 via DQ
Dolph Ziggler defeated Stardust @ 1:10 via pin
Harper and Rowan defeated Ryder and Fandango @ 2:45 via pin
Divas Title Match: Champion Nikki Bella defeated Naomi @ 6:20 via DQ

Notable Segments:
Triple H and Stephanie returns to start the show. They talk, as usual. They put over Rollins’ win. They put over that says that they told you so. Seth is the future of the WWE. They will pay tribute to him and they give him the title of “Architect of a dream” and all three of his opponents will have to admit their inferiority. They unveil the Intercontinental title and a new champion will be crowned in the Elimination Chamber. They put over the Chamber. Sheamus interferes and says he should be handed the title after destroying Daniel Bryan in the past few weeks. Ryback interferes and defends Bryan and accuses Sheamus of being a bully, which he doesn’t like. Hunter sets up the match with the two of them tonight.

Rene interviews Neville in the ring. He loves proving doubters wrong and when he flies he feels 10 foot tall. Bo Dallas interrupts and says he’s the little engine that couldn’t. He takes the piss for a bit. He says he says he beaten Bo Dallas for the NXT title way back when and the two fight and Bo cowardly exits the ring.
Rusev cuts a promo. He says Lana needs to learn her place and he speaks for himself. The crowd wants Lana. There is no Lana he repeats. He says he didn’t quit, Lana quit. She’s weak. He calls out John Cena, Lana comes out. And she is looking fine. Rusev is not a happy chappy about her coming out, she just wants to explain her side of the story. She says she did the right thing, he was in so much pain and he was screaming in Bulgarian that he quit. Now, he is mad. He says shes lying and he doesn’t need her. He needs no one. And tells her to go away, forever and ever. The End…. OR IS IT??!?!?!

John Cena’s open challenge took place and KEVIN MOTHERFUCKING OWENS comes out. He doesn’t want to have the match as he has the prize of being NXT champion. But they will fight one day. He says he has been wrestling for longer and doesn’t want any advice from Cena. So, Owens Pop-Up Powebombs Cena. Puts his foot on the US title and holds up the NXT title and stands tall over Cena. What a moment. Beautiful. FIGHT OWENS FIGHT.

Ziggler has an in ring interview with Cole. He says chicks dig scars. Cole announces that Ziggles will be the final entrant in the Chamber Intercontinental title match. Lana comes out… and kisses Ziggler… twice. Lucky sod. Rusev comes out… HE IS NOT HAPPY. Lana slaps Rusev and Rusev is mad but Lana is saved with a Zig Zag and Ziggler leaves with Lana. I guess chicks do dig scars.

Seth Rollin’s had a tribute, “An Architect of a Dream”. They play a tribute video to him. Nothing has been handed to him, he has earned what he has. They pay tribute to him ending The Shield. He bought in to the evolution of Seth Rollins. They pay tribute to him winning at Money in the bank, at Wrestlemania and his reign thus far to what sounds like Avenged Sevenfold. Hunter says they have believed in him from his NXT days and He has beaten 6 men since winning the title. Hunter sees himself in Seth, seeing Seth do the Pedigree gave him goosebumps. Dean Ambrose interrupts and apologises for being late to the lovefest and makes a Justin Bieber joke and demands a Title match. Steph says Seth is a fighting champion and says to get Dean. They fight at ringside and unveils cinderblocks and is about to Con-Chairtoe him and Steph begs him to stop and gives him what he wants. But Dean is about to do it anyway and J&J stop him. So Dean jumps off the barricade onto them and Seth. Kane (sigh) gets involved. Dean defends himself but Seth jumps him from behind and Pedigrees Dean. Seth holds the title up to end the show.

Like last week, I have three words to describe this show. RAW is Owens. The show wasn’t bad. Glad to see Dean is getting a push and getting the title shot and not Kane.

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