The Suplah podcast

Sam BrooksApril 23rd, 2015NewsComments Off on Will Daniel Bryan Retire Soon?

Will Daniel Bryan Retire Soon?

WWE Intercontinental Champion Injured Again: Retirement Close?

On this week’s edition of The Suplah Bytesize, Liam and Andy offer their thoughts and opinions on Daniel Bryan’s reported injuries; could he be close to retirement? Should superstars and athletes get surgery to temporarily fix their issues, or take the time off to heal them 100%?

Editor’s Note: If these injury rumors are true, then it would be in Bryan’s best interest to either retire now, before more permanent damage is done, or take an extended sabbatical in order to come back for one more run.

It is truly a sad state of affairs that I’m talking about Bryan like he’s at the tail-end of his career, but it’s another case similar to Edge wherein he has met with an unfortunate set of circumstances…

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