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Liam DunneMay 6th, 2016NewsComments Off on Update On Ryback’s Contract Dispute

Update On Ryback’s Contract Dispute

As previously reported, Ryback and Vince McMahon couldn’t come to an agreement on a new deal starting this summer, which lead to “The Big Guy” walking out and heading home.

Ryback posted a lengthy tumblr post a few days afterwards. He had this to say:

Despite saying it’s not about money, he goes on to complain about money. Not necessarily his, granted, but how some of the talent is paid.

Dave Meltzer recently reported on the Wrestling Observer Radio show, though, that it is actually down to money. Whilst Meltzer didn’t dive into the nitty gritty of the deal that was offered to Ryback, he did go on to say that one of the reasons why negotiations did eventually break down was because Ryback wanted the company to pay for hotel rooms whilst travelling, something WWE has been opposing.

(Editor’s note: I’m not a big fan of Ryback. I think he has a terrible attitude and would be easily out wrestled if he was put into a match against somebody like Sami Zayn. However, I do have to agree with him on this respect. In the industry I work in, it’s actually considered lucky that you get the production company willing to cover hotel costs for you, as I’ve only ever had that happen once to me in my 3+ year career. If the individual is going out of their way for you, the employer, then surely you should cover those costs? I wouldn’t expect NXT stars to ask for WWE to pay their mortgage, because NXT, for the most part, is in a fixed building. WWE constantly travels, it’s unfair that some of a talents pay goes on conditions to make sure they can keep working for you.)

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