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Liam DunneFebruary 4th, 2015NewsComments Off on Did Triple H Lie In His Austin Interview?

Did Triple H Lie In His Austin Interview?

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Were you surprised that Triple stated on Monday night’s interview that he wanted RAW to return to being a 2 hour show? Well it seems you weren’t alone!

Many people behind the scenes were quite shocked to hear that somebody as high up as Triple H believing that RAW should go back to being two hours. It’s something that seems to have been agreed upon by the wrestlers, but to hear the fact that the COO also says it clearly says something. However this is not proof or even indication that they plan to return to the 2 hour format.

But the more interesting news is around the segment where Steve Austin talked to Triple H about CM Punk, and if he still holds a grudge. Triple H stated that he’s never had a problem with Punk, and that there are no hurt feelings. However it seems that many think he is lying about this, but didn’t want to go on a tirade against him. Possibly because he is a business man now, and didn’t want to be seen as being bitter, but also the possibility that by opening insulting him could also burn bridges. After all CM Punk is still a huge name and could easily draw a crowd.

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