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Liam DunneMarch 11th, 2015NewsComments Off on TNA’s Future In Jeopardy?

TNA’s Future In Jeopardy?

Last year, TNA Wrestling was dropped from Spike TV’s network as the channel wanted to re-evaluate their identity, concluding that wrestling wasn’t something they were interested in presenting any more.

After a worrying period of TNA not having a home once the final episode aired, TNA signed with Destination America. A smaller channel compared to Spike, but a channel never the less.

However, with this new channel and the decision to put TNA on the road from a couple of years ago. There has been a lot of cut backs with the company, one of them being to tape a up to a months or more worth of shows in one or two nights. Leaving a number of TNA talents out of work for months on end until the meet up for the next batch of tapings.

PWInsider is reporting that the TNA crew were given a “Best Case Scenario” for when they jumped over to Destination America. What this scenario is hasn’t been reported, but it seems that it’s not the scenario they were told about. PWInsider just informs us that people were told the company would be getting better and better, however as we have seen with the ratings and the audience attendance, this isn’t the case at all.

Employees were made even more worried when word had spread that TNA cancelled the TV tapings in April, and combined them with the planned tapings in May, meaning the company won’t have any presence in any town for a few months.

Veteran TNA crew members and talent are seeing a number of top level stars leaving, but there hasn’t been much growth by the company to try and compensate this.

Needless to say, people are starting to get worried with how TNA is handling business and what the future really has in store for them.

(Editor’s note: Where can I pre-order my “Rise And Fall Of TNA Wrestling DVD?)

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