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Liam DunneApril 29th, 2016NewsComments Off on SPOILER: WWE Extreme Rules 2016 Main Event Revealed?

SPOILER: WWE Extreme Rules 2016 Main Event Revealed?

According Reddit user “Wrestlingleaker” on the subreddit Squared Circle, he has let the cat out of the bag as to what the next major WWE events main event will be…

Obviously potential spoilers.

Wrestlingleaker reports that the main event of Extreme Rules will have AJ Styles facing off against Roman Reigns in a Steel Cage. He doesn’t specify as to who the champion will be going into the match, in fact, it’s not even specified that the championship is on the line (although we assume it will be).

Wrestlingleaker has got a track record of correctly reporting matches before they are announced. He revealed the 7 man ladder match for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania 32 before it was officially down on the card.

Theories are abound as to why Styles and Reigns are booked in a Steel Cage match, but no doubt the reason why will be explained via the ending of their match at Payback…

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

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