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Liam DunneJuly 20th, 2017NewsComments Off on Sheamus: “I wasn’t going to get drafted”

Sheamus: “I wasn’t going to get drafted”

SOURCE: Talk Is Jericho

Recently on Talk Is Jericho, WWE Legend Chris Jericho spoke with current WWE RAW Tag Team Champions, Cesaro and Sheamus. During the discussion, Sheamus talked about how the duo came together as a tag team, whether the pair was close before tagging, and what part of their run he would have liked to have drawn out longer.

According to Sheamus, the team of Cesaro and Sheamus came together in the wake of the 2016 WWE Draft. ‘The Great White’ admitted he was scared of not getting drafted on TV.
“It started with the draft, mate. It all started with the draft, after the draft. Well, it was weird because, like, what happened was Tony came back from the injury on fire, right? And I’m not just saying this because you’re here, but, like, to me, it was the most innovative comeback, the most exciting comeback.”

Sheamus continued, “he came back on fire. I was coming off of that League Of Nations thing after being world champ. And then, we did the draft and we were the second last and last pick [for RAW] and I remember sitting there as the draft is going on, thinking ‘am I even going to be drafted on TV? This is absolute bulls–t!'”

Although Sheamus and Cesaro were not close before forming their tag team, ‘The Celtic Warrior’ claimed that the tandem always shared great mutual respect for one another.

“We had a lot of respect for each other. I don’t think we were super close or anything, but we’re both Europeans, kind of the same background, and we get here. From wrestling each other enough, we both definitely had a lot of respect. Do you know what I mean? I think there has always been a competition between us and that’s a great thing because you always want to try to one up each other.”

In Sheamus’ estimation, the evolution of their characters’ relationship has been the most fun part of this current run. Moreoever, the Dubliner professed that he would have wanted to draw out the “odd couple” story longer.

“It [has] definitely been an evolution from when we started, but even when we were tagging, there was that thing of like the odd couple kind of fighting each other and we wanted to push it. We didn’t get the opportunity to push it as much as we wanted because you have a segment and it’s taken away. Do you know what I mean? And so, like, people were enjoying it.” Sheamus added, “do you remember the boo/yay stuff? The boo/yay stuff was great!”

Check out this edition of Talk Is Jericho here.

(Thanks to for the transcript)

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