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Liam DunneApril 30th, 2016NewsComments Off on The Reason Why Bobby Roode & Eric Young Left TNA

The Reason Why Bobby Roode & Eric Young Left TNA

It’s absolutely no secret that TNA is financially struggling at the moment, and appear to heading towards bankruptcy in the near future. These signs manifest in recent major TNA main stays leaving the company to pursue other chances. Not just TNA home grown talents in the form of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and Velvet Sky, but even wrestling legends such as Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash and Ric Flair.

Most recently TNA loyalists Bobby Roode and Eric Young have both left the company too, in a chance to wrestle in the current hottest product in the wrestling business, WWE’s NXT brand.

On a recent instalment of the YouTube show “Pro Wrestling Report”, Christopher Herro, who had previously worked for TNA, dished some of the troubles he noticed surfacing when he was partnered with the company, stated that Roode and Young decided to hand in their notice to TNA because they were owed, combined, over a 6 figure sum of money.

Whilst many believe that a lot of these stars have left TNA to go to the bigger and brighter WWE for the chance to perform in front of a larger crowd, which could still hold true now they are more open to championing indy stars, when money is involved, people’s loyalties can be broken.

Is it surprising that Roode and Young had become fed up with TNA not paying them the money they are owed?

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