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Sam BrooksMarch 16th, 2015NewsComments Off on Jimmy Jacobs to Join WWE Creative

Jimmy Jacobs to Join WWE Creative


Jimmy Jacobs to Join WWE Creative Team

Former Ring of Honor Tag Team Champion Jimmy Jacobs has reportedly joined the WWE Creative Team, potentially departing ROH in the process. Jacobs is scheduled to join the team after WrestleMania 31, in April.

Rumours have stated that Jacobs’ signing has been discussed for a while internally, with Jacobs’ potential last appearance in Ring of Honor being the Supercard of Honor event, taking place in California on March 27th.

Jacobs has been a top star in Ring of Honor since 2003, winning multiple Tag Team Championships with Tyler Black, B.J. Whitmer, and Steve Corino as a part of the infamous SCUM stable. His other accolades within various independent circuits make a list almost as long as Jericho’s 1004 Holds.

Editor’s Note: Whilst the background of Jacobs appears promising within a creative environment, ultimately his impact within the team may or may not be noticeable to the audience. In a company where the final decisions are mostly out of the Creative Team’s hands, it’s possible that any of Jacobs’ ideas would be shot down. However, considering his reputation, there’s a chance we’ll see some ideas from the Zombie Princess appear in the WWE very soon.

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