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Andy QuannMarch 24th, 2015NewsComments Off on Full Monday Night Raw Results (3/23/15)

Full Monday Night Raw Results (3/23/15)


Quick Results:

Dean Ambrose and R-Truth defeated Stardust and Luke Harper at 10:37 via pin
Ryback, Zack Ryder, Erick Rowan, Titus O’Neil and Darren Young defeated The Miz, Damien Sandow, Adam Rose, Konnor and Viktor at 6:05 via pin
Randy Orton defeated Seth Rollins and J&J Security at 3:20 via pin
Divas Title Match: Champion Nikki Bella vs. Paige at 10:56 via pin
Los Matadores and El Torito defeated Kidd, Cesaro and Natalya at 4:15 via pin
Non-Title Match: Champion Rusev defeated Jack Swagger at 4:30 via submission
Dolph Ziggler defeated Daniel Bryan at 11:00 via w/Dean Ambrose as special referee

Notable Segments:

CAWWWWWWWW! Sting starts the show off for the first time ever. He states that he has been known as the last WCW soldier, basically states that Triple H did whatever he could to be at the top. Sting will not fight for WCW, because lol that’s really old now. Instead here is here to Triple H him down. Steph comes out takes the piss out of WCW and then congrats Sting for making it to the “big time”. I thought Sting said he didn’t give a toss about WCW, oh well, well done Steph. Good one! Sting calls her a spoiled brat and stops her from slapping him. Hunter comes out, grabs a sledgehammer but Sting has his baseball bat and Hunter walks off.

Snoop Dogg came out to talk about Wrestlemania gets interrupted by Curtis Axel. Then he raps. Snoop says Axel forgot out one Mania, then Hogan comes out and talks about Mania and Pressing Andre. The usual. Snoop asks what Axel has been smoking… AXEL SMOKES WEED EVERYDAY. No wait that would be a wellness violation. Then Axel rips his shirt like Hogan always does, points at Hogan and tries to punch Hogan, nope. He gets clocked for good measure. Then Snoop sends Axel over the ropes and rips his top off to show off a Hulkamania shirt underneath. Snoop then incorrectly poses with Hogan.

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo talking about fear. He asks why people hide from the truth. It’s because that people constantly hide from who they truly are and are liars. And that people hate themselves and their jobs. They hate themselves, so they wear make-up. Bray, I don’t. DERP. But he’s different, he tells the truth. His tongue is the sword of truth. Undertaker is just like us, he is a liar. He hates the fact he’s lost and he wants his soul to be set free. The Angel with burnt wings will send Taker to the other side. Lighting goes off. The “spirits”, light and dark are at Bray’s command. He is the judge of the dead and Taker is guilty. And will become the new face of fear. Then he states that Undertaker can finally Rest In Peace and does the Undertaker pose.

Kevin Nash in going into the Hall of Fame. They talk about his transformation from Diesel to Kevin Nash and highlight his career. I love how they cut the “Adjective” part of the infamous promo.

To end the show, Heyman talks Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar hypes the main event like he has been doing for weeks, god bless Heyman for doing that single handly. Heyman does it one last time; he even states he doesn’t know what else to say to sell the match, other than it will be a fight. Reigns comes out, snatches the Title off of Brock (too the chorus of Boo’s) and then Reigns and Lesnar ruin all the weeks hype from Heyman by having a tug of war with the title to close the show. Seriously. I wish I was lying.

Well, there it was the go home show to Wrestlemania, ending in boo’s and in a game I played back when I was seven. Sigh. See you in five days.

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