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Sam BrooksMarch 26th, 2015NewsComments Off on Eva Marie to Host Hall of Fame?

Eva Marie to Host Hall of Fame?


Cybernetic Life-Form Replacing Lawler as Host

Well, it seems the dark days are here… or, rather, the Red Wedding. According to various news outlets, a major change has occurred in regards to the Hall of Fame ceremony, to be held the Saturday night before WrestleMania 31. Instead of the announced, and reoccurring, host in WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler, it appears that his role has been taken over by the WWE’s first artificially made Diva, Eva Marie.

The ceremony, to be held at the SAP Centre at San Jose, California, has been hosted by Lawler since 2010. Marie is apparently scheduled to introduce Hulk Hogan, who is to induct the “Macho Man” Randy Savage, in a long-overdue occurrence. Word is that WWE are looking to replace Lawler as the spokesperson of the company, which is understandable due to his health concerns over the past few years.


Editor’s Note: If this is really true, and not a leak from Kayfabe News, I seriously cannot understate how poor of a decision this would be. When you have talented speakers in the form of Renee Young, Eden (Brandi Rhodes) and, Hell, even Lillian Garcia, this makes the decision look like an ill-informed joke.

Unless this is actually a Zack Ryder-style rib on Marie, I don’t see the purpose behind it. Give the woman time to improve, and relinquish the mantle of the laughing stock of the women’s division. For all of us.

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