The Suplah podcast

Sam BrooksNovember 24th, 2016The SuplahComments Off on Goldberg Squashes Lesnar! (And Our Reactions)

Goldberg Squashes Lesnar! (And Our Reactions)

Survivor Series Main Event Ends in Controversy; The Suplah Reacts

This past week at Survivor Series, the main event of Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg came to a shocking conclusion when Goldberg squashed the former WWE World Champion in 85 seconds! A shove to the ground, two spears, and a jackhammer were the only moves needed to put away Lesnar.

The finish has divided fans down the middle; some are calling it appalling, and hate everything about the fallout and what could be on the horizon. Others feel that it was a good thing, and are more excited for the feud than they were before… can you guess which members of The Suplah fall into which side?

Liam mediates the debate between Andy and Sam, and they all come together to discuss what the fans thought about the match itself, and where we could be headed next…

What did you think of the match? Are you looking forward to the future of the rivalry? Comment below!

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