The Suplah podcast

Sam BrooksSeptember 10th, 2016The SuplahComments Off on Dixie Carter Leaves TNA (And Why That’s Good)

Dixie Carter Leaves TNA (And Why That’s Good)

Former TNA President Steps Down, Billy Corgan Takes Helm

Liam, Andy, and Keelan have all moved into the same house in Lincoln! Leaving the middle-of-nowhere behind, the three Suplah Originals seek a new start… but there’s still one thing that Andy can’t escape; the riddle streak. And his regular streak. Just in case you didn’t know that he has two different streaks. But will Andy fall to 100 losses? You already know the answer.

This week in Suplah City Hall, Liam and Andy discuss the quiet departure of TNA mainstay Dixie Carter, and the new leadership of Billy Corgan. A retrospective of the entirety of TNA ensues, because we just can’t seem to stop talking about TNA, despite our best intentions.

Also discussed; Alberto Del Rio and the WWE part ways again, as the release of Del Rio is finally made official. Will Paige follow him on the way out? Some say so, others say no… who are we to believe? Liam and Andy, of course. Because nothing will go wrong when you believe in them.

What are your thoughts on the long-awaited departure of Dixie? Will you miss her for some reason? Let us know in the comments below, we’ll read ’em out next episode (whenever Liam and Andy remember to)!

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