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Andy QuannAugust 4th, 2015Blog, NewsComments Off on WWE Raw Reaction (8/03/15)

WWE Raw Reaction (8/03/15)

WWE Raw Reaction: Quick Results & Segment Highlights:

Show starts with a Rowdy Roddy Piper tribute. Very touching stuff, as much as we give WWE a hard time, they do know how to fittingly tribute legends. RIP Piper.

Seth Rollins talked about breaking Cena’s nose last week with a recap of it. He said that it was disgusting and that he felt Cena’s nose crack on his knee. But Seth said he sympathised with Cena and cost him the match, but it won’t happen again. Seth wants a rematch at Summerslam, winner take all. If Cena doesn’t show up, maybe he isn’t as strong as Seth thinks he is.
Seth says this is where he won his WWE World Heavyweight Championship and is the building of John Cena’s very first US Open challenge. This gives Seth an idea. Anything John can do, Seth can do better, Seth says there will be a World Heavyweight Championship Open Challenge. That’ll start… now. But there’s two stipulations: his opponent must be under 6 feet tall and under 200 lbs. So Neville accepts.

It was an amazing match, even with a super close finish with Neville via Seth putting his foot on the ropes after a red arrow. Seth wins via a pedigree.

Los Matadores and Lucha Dragons took on the New Day and The Ascension. It was what it was. Primetime Players were on commentary at ringside. I’m annoyed that New Day and Lucha Drgaons had to team with goobers. Titus is a better commentator than JBL. Lucha Dragons were amazing as always. Kofi picks up the win for his team via a Trouble in Paradise.

Charlotte and Becky Lynch faced the Bella’s in a fantastic match. Charlotte was super over. Nikki taps via the Figure 8. It’s amazing what happens if you give women time to apply their craft… huh, who knew…

Miz hosts MizTV. He says that MizTV is the second most talked about talk show in WWE and says without Piper’s Pit, there would be no Cutting Edge, Highlight Reel, No BarberShop or a MizTV. Classy stuff. Miz wore a HotRod shirt to boot. Owens and Cesaro are Miz’s guests. Owens says Cesaro is jealous of him because he has succeeded where he has failed, not with Cena, but with the sacrifices he made were for nothing and will be never be as good as Owens. Cesaro is ashamed of him, for his disrespect and is an embarrassment. Owens says he as accomplished more in three months than Cesaro has in three years. Cesaro wants a fight. Miz marks the fuck out and says this is what MizTV is all about. Owens and Cesaro tell him to shut up. Beautiful. Owens says he will fight for the right price, just not tonight. Cesaro says he should do what he always does Walk Owens Walk. Crowd cheer Fight Owens Fight. Owens blindsights Miz who bumps into Cesaro, goes for a popup powerbomb but is reversed into the swing, but Owens gets out of it and escapes the ring. Good stuff.

There’s a Clip of Ronda Rousey dedicating her fight to him. Classy. Also it’s Ronda. So it’s a five star segment from me.

Rusev destroys Mark Henry with a post-match kick. Finally the monster is back and not the fish monger.

Barrett took on Zack Ryder. I don’t care. Moving on.

Heyman and Brock were in the ring, Heyman on the mic, Brock stood on steel steps like a podium in the ring. Heyman says that the last time WWE sanctioned a match between Brock and Taker, Taker left in an ambulance, spent a week in the hospital, took a year to recover. But then he reveals some behind the scenes stuff, with Taker begged for a rematch this year’s Wrestlemania, but, Vince turned it down as he knew what would happen to Taker. So Taker forced WWE’s hands and picked a fight with Brock costing him the WWE title. Leaving WWE with no option. For the first time ever, it was the match too big for Wrestlemania. Brock will Eat Sleep Conquer Repeat. Heyman guarantees Taker will go to Suplah Suplex City. Heyman goes mental and speaks Latin and then says he will Rest in Pieces. Taker is going to Suplah City with his conqueror. Fuck me, that was amazing. God bless Paul fucking Heyman.

Paige took on I’M AMA-A-A-A-ZING Naomi. Match wasn’t as good as the previous divas tag match, but, still was good stuff.

Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose faced off against Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, and Luke Harper in the main event of the evening. Was a good match, glad to see Ambrose in a main event. Match ends with a back and forth with all the competitors hitting their signature moves on each other. Good stuff. Reigns picks up the win via a spear to Sheamus. Good match.

Opinion time:
Raw was super good. The terrible feuds were either masked by multi tag team matches or like Rusev, made to look credible again. The show felt fresh with no Cena, Authority, Big Show Kane, etc.
I think I said a few weeks back that if these terrible feuds didn’t improve or the show doesn’t become fresh then my rating would not be above a C. Well, I’m glad to say this show was awesome. I fully recommended checking the majority of this show out and in my opinion is in the realm of having a B rating. It was awesome, just not entirely perfect eg. with Barrett’s pointless push and JBL still being on commentary hurts my ear drums. But still gets a decent rating from me.

Overall Grade: B

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