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Andy QuannJuly 28th, 2015Blog, NewsComments Off on WWE Raw Reaction (7/27/15)

WWE Raw Reaction (7/27/15)


WWE Raw Reaction: Quick Results & Segment Highlights:

Show starts with The Authority (back to the same old thing) after a recap of the Taker and Brock feud (who are not here tonight). Triple H announces that Summerslam will be four hours. They also announce the matches for tonight that are first times ever. Apparently. But Seth knows a thing about firsts, being the first cash in at Wrestlemania, he’s beaten Brock, he wants the crowd to admit he is the greatest WWE champs ever. Cena interrupts. He calls Seth an arrogant jackass and a joke. Cena wants Triple H and Steph to do whats best for business, first time ever, Seth VS Cena for the WWE title. Seth wants Cena to shut the hell up for the first time ever. The Authority ask the crowd, they say yes. Steph says no for the first time ever and says Cena will have to earn it. Hunter says that they will wrestle, but for the US title instead.

Dean Ambrose (who’s done) faced off against Big Show (who won’t go away), I didn’t pay much attention to this. Maybe because the Big Show is terrible. The ending was terrible. Dean ran into a KO Punch whilst doing a suicide dive and was counted out. GOTTA KEEP BIG SHOW STRONG. But Big Show runs into the barricade as Ambrose moves out of the way. This is stupid.

Neville finally won a match, against Fandango.

Paige took on Sasha Banks.

Rusev gave Summer Rae gifts. I am not lying. He shows us men how to treat a lady. Somehow, I don’t think I will be using his advice to break the streak. But Rusev gets Summer a ugly dog, called Dog Ziggler. He then gives her a fish, called Lana. Is that a joke about her… anyway, Lana interrupts. She says Rusev is trying to make Summer look like her. Summer talks (sadly) and gets a face full of fish for her trouble and slaps Rusev. Summer cries and has a hissy fit. F*ck this feud. It’s awful.

Lucha Dragons took on Los Matadores… match was good. But these two teams are expendable at this stage (sadly for the Lucha Dragons), so no one cared.

The Wyatts cut a promo in the ring. Bray says everyone has a family, but, my mummies and daddies don’t love me. They don’t tell us the truth. It’s a bitter pill to swallow. But just look outside, when you find the truth, you can be set free. He fixed Luke Harper and set him free to learn his truth. Luke says he didn’t know what his purpose was, but Bray showed him the truth. It is the fans’ fault for shunning him and creating him. Bray saved him and showed his path in life. And says his life is for Bray. Bray then says Dean Ambrose is not Roman’s brother and to stay away as it is Roman’s hill to die on. He will seal Roman’s fate. Reigns, Were here. DERP.

Becky Lynch and Charlotte took on Nikki Bella and Alicia Fox, the match wasn’t as good as the previous diva’s match, but, there’s effort being put into the division for once. Which is lovely to see. Becky wins for her team via the Armbar. Also the crowd fucking sucked.

Randy Orton took on Kevin Owens in a hard hitting back and fouth match, but Sheamus ruins it by Brogue Kicking Orton for the DQ. Seriously, I hate this feud. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Yes. Feck off. Cesaro makes the save and attacks Owens and Sheamus. But gets a pop up powerbomb from Owens for this trouble.

The main event was back and forth as Cena took on Rollins. Cena messes up his nose really bad via a knee from Rollins. Seriously, Cena’s face was totally messed up. Cena beats the WWE champ (maybe earning a shot at the title…?) and retained his US title. Cena is seriously fucked up. Kudos to the guy, his face was messed up.

Opinion time:
Raw was good. I like first time stuff to freshen up the show. Kudos to John Cena, that knee looked like something straight out of UFC. The Divas matches were refreshing and a change of pace. But the dead crowd and horrible feuds dragged the rating of the show down for me, it could have been in B territory but alas, as long as some of these feuds keep happening, it will never reach that.

As I said two weeks ago, just check out the divas matches . Also check out the main event. The rest is garbage involving fish, an old fat man and a non-entertaining man with a stupid beard.
Overall Grade: C

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