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Andy QuannMarch 17th, 2015BlogComments Off on Full Monday Night Raw Results (3/16/15)

Full Monday Night Raw Results (3/16/15)

Non-Title Match: Champion Nikki Bella defeated AJ Lee @ 11:00 via pin (The Divas got some actual time for once. Good Job. )
Ryback defeated Miz @ 2:07 via pin
Non-Title Match: Kidd & Cesaro defeated New Day @ 1:49 via pin
Big Show vs. Erick Rowan never officially started
Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose defeated Bad News Barrett, Stardust and Luke Harper @ 17:10 via pin
Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton never officially started

Notable Segments:
Rollins accepts match with Orton at Mania, only if Orton accepts the same match tonight. I expected the match never to take place on free TV. Spoilers: I was right.

Cena / Rusev contract signing can be summed up in one word. ‘Merica. Cena says that ‘the contract is a Declaration of Independence and match will be his revolution’… RIP Rusev. Cena talks about America being the best nation on Earth and America will kick your ass. Rusev’s attorney states that Cena has to listen to a statement before he signs his contract. It’s Anti-USA and the attorney’s accent sounds more Texan then Russian. JBL buries the attorney. MIGGLE.

Brock Lesnar has a pre-recorded video. Really good. Even states he will be champ if he goes or stays and says he will fuck up Reigns. But it was censored.

Larry Zbyszko is the latest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2015.

Paul Heyman is interrupted by my favourite wrestler, Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns has a new shirt. It says “I can, I will”. He wants to talk directly to Brock. He expects a fight and a war. And will leave with the WWE title. Some fans chanted for Bryan, and Roman acknowledges them. Then states he will beat Brock because He can and he will. Believe that.

And finally, just before a beating from the authority, Orton is saved by a “CAWWWWWW” and the lights go out and on again and Sting and Orton clean house. Sting hits his trademark moves the Stinger Splash and the Scorpion Death Drop to J&J Security and Orton RKO’s Mercury with the Authority retreating. Sting got a great reaction.

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